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Your Journey Begins Here

How do we posture ourselves to listen more deeply, learn more curiously, and begin to live differently?

Our world is constantly seeking ways to divide and isolate us from one another. It emphasizes and exposes our differences rather than focusing on our commonalities, which connect us as people, as human beings. Amplify Peace is about spending time with those who are different than us and listening to their story, their reality, their truth. Really listening. It is about building bridges and planting seeds of truth, hope, and peace where friendships are formed and compassion emerges.

Amplify Peace is about making the world smaller and more personal. We seek to breakdown misguided stereotypes and replace with honor, respect and dignity. After all, we are humans first! Let’s change the narrative of this world and together create a better future for generations to come. Your voice matters.

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Because Peace Needs Makers

We are a movement for peace – educating, immersing, training and launching peacemakers to build united communities.
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